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Welcome to My Bookstore

Here you’ll find free e-books and other products for purchase. 10% of every purchase made through this page is donated to conservation and environmental stewardship programs.

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    Your Write Spark covers all the fundamentals a writer needs to consider as they ignite their story idea into a draft that leaves them excited and hopeful and eager to learn more. Set your story in motion while you learn the basics of story structure, character development, point of view, and other major storytelling elements.


    This handbook teaches a clear systematic process to help writers develop their story’s big-picture areas after they’ve written a complete early draft.

    Learn how to assess each major storytelling element for plausibility, clarity, originality, and emotional impact.


    Story Mapping teaches you how to use “pantsing” and plotting to craft your novel from idea stage to audience-ready stage.

    Included are writing workouts to help writers strengthen their stories.


  • The Book

    Have you ever had the feeling your creative life just isn’t working? That no matter how much you try to finish a project or feel confident about the work you’re doing, that you’re wasting your time or you’re just not good enough?

    What if your self-doubt, fear, and anxiety could actually be transformed to motivation, courage, faith, and joy? Can you imagine what your creative life might look like then?

  • The Affirmation Cards

    The Positively Creative Affirmation Cards are an inspirational tool to help you deepen your connection to your natural creative forces so you can attract the creative life you desire.

    Use the deck as a guidance system to support you as you chart your creative journey or meditate on a specific affirmation anytime you need a boost of confidence, a dose of love, or a hit of inspiration